Sheffield Cutlery
Cutlery | Pocket Knives | Bowie Knives

Granton Knives | Cabinets/Storage

Sporks/Party Forks | Contact Us

Sheffield cutlery has an international reputation as the best in the world. Stainless steel and silver plating began in the city and the tradition for excellence survives to this day.

Please follow these links to find goods on sale -

* Sheffield Cutlery

Silver-Plated Cutlery
* Sheffield Pocket Knives

* Sheffield Bowie Knives

* Granton Edge Knives

* Cabinets & Storage

* Sporks/Party Forks
   (Not made in Sheffield)

R P Day & Co
15 Tunwell Greave
S5 9GB

Tel: 0114 2467240
Intl: UK 44 114 2467240